Inspiration through Information
Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 8 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
Closed Sunday
White Lake Township Library

White Lake Township Library
Monday - Thursday: 10 am - 8 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
Closed Sunday

Our Vision and Mission

Vision Statement
Inspiration through Information

Mission Statement
The White Lake Township Library is committed to providing informational, educational, cultural and recreational resources in a welcoming environment that offer the opportunity for the community to gather and grow, leading to enrichment, enjoyment, knowledge, and lifelong learning.


Take a virtual tour of the Library!

2023 Library year in review graphic, text below

72,038 Visits to the library

5,739 People signed onto

9,454 Cardholders
2,605 New this year

15,217 Reference questions answered

238,016 Items checked out

51,105 Audio and eBooks borrowed online

698,517 Minutes read
during Summer Reading

19,326 Items shared with other libraries

85,495 Items are in the collection

32,899 New items were added

9,735 People attended
399 programs

7,666 People used the public computers

412 Items shared through MeL

37,638 People visited the library website 2,210 People used the
study rooms

Our History


Library History Timeline text below

White Lake Township Library Timeline

  • 1975 - A resolution is adopted at the April 5, 1975 annual meeting of the Electors of White Lake Township, establishing "a free public library in accordance with Act 164, P.A. 1877." The six -member provisional library board is appointed on May 20, 1975 and the permanent board is elected shortly thereafter.
  • 1980 - The township voters provide permanent support for the library by approving an operating millage of 0.3 mil in property taxes.
  • 1981 - The White Lake Community Hall becomes the first home of the White Lake Library in March of 1981. At the time, the library consists of about 4,000 donated books, half fiction and half non-fiction. The library begins lending books that June. As the ever -growing community requires more space, the library eventually moves to Brooks Elementary.
  • 1985 - Construction begins in the spring of 1985 on a new building for the library at 7527 E. Highland Rd. 
  • 2001 - The Highland Road building is renovated, including a 7,000 sq. ft. expansion of the upper floor and the addition of a lower floor.
  • 2008 - During the economic downturn, the library serves, more than ever, as an essential piece of the community. From 2008 -2010, visitor count rises by 41% as people use the library to job search and to save money by enjoying library materials, services and programs.
  • 2015-2016 - White Lake Township continues to grow to over 30,000 residents, and the library once again finds itself faced with a demand for more space. The library board appoints an exploratory committee for a new library. The building steering committee is formed and begins the work toward building the new library.
  • 2016 - In August the White Lake Township Library Board moves forward with a proposal for a new library building. The proposal goes before the voters and is passed.
  • 2018 - Groundbreaking for the new building commences May 2 with site work beginning later that month.
  • 2019 - Grand opening for the new 28,000 sq. ft. building is held June 6, 2019.

Image of exterior of White Lake Library in daylight
Image of interior of White Lake library showing circulation desk
Image of the interior of white lake library showing the Mix seating area and fireplace
Image of the Interior of the library showing the Idea Lab space
Image of interior of White Lake Library childrens' section
Image of the interior of the White Lake Library showing the youth garage space
Image of memorial sculpture installation honoring former Library Director Larry Ostrowski
Image of exterior of White Lake Library Youth Patio area
Image of interior of White Lake library showing Adult study area
Image of exterior of White Lake library showing patio space
Image of exterior of White Lake library front drive area