To submit your project for the Laser Engraver, email with the subject line of “Laser Engraver” and attach your file, image, or project content. Include any other relevant information (i.e., size details, material details).
File must be a .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .svg, .dxf, .webp format. Images with transparent backgrounds work best.
After submitting your file for printing, the staff will review it and determine if we can complete the project and the amount of time for your project to complete. Staff will then set up a time for you to drop off your materials and a time for you to pick up the completed project. Please allow 1-2 weeks for processing projects.
xTool selected materials are suggested as they will work best with the machine. However materials, usually called “Laser Blanks”, can be purchased form a variety of stores including Michaels, JoAnn, and Amazon. Glowforge materials will also work. If you have any questions about materials please contact and we can assist.
Some of the materials xTool P2 can cut include:
The Library reserves the right to decline any project that does not fit our guidelines. See below for more information.
Files will be processed as submitted. Staff will not change a design after receiving it aside from sizing images to requested size. Staff will do their best to ensure accurate settings for the laser are used. If possible, please provide a test piece of material for staff to ensure best quality settings.
Projects are not guaranteed to come out as intended and can be affected by any number of variables including quality of image provided and quality of materials provided. We will not redo projects that fail due to design quality errors unless changes are made to the design. Refunds or replacements will not be given if customers are unsatisfied with the quality, size, or other options within the customer’s control. Check your design carefully before submitting.
Only designated library staff will have hands-on access to the laser engraver.
Patrons must provide their own materials to be cut or engraved.
The library’s laser engraver is for educational, entertainment, and prototyping purposes. The library does not provide access to the laser engraver to produce or sell goods.
The Library retains the right to refuse any project request for any reason. The library’s laser engraver may only be used for lawful purposes. The public will not be permitted to use the library’s laser engraver to create material that is:
The Library Director or designee reserves the right to:
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